Seminar 2: How Clear are you on What, How and Why of Change are Connected?

Session overview

This seminar helps participants look at their focus on the Why of Change & What is Expected and What the Change Is Not About and how it can be improved by introducing the Change Expectations Framework.

Here’s why it is important today. Most contributors’ organizations (89%) change every 12 months or less, driven by 3 or 4 reasons for each change. Interestingly you would think that such changes should have three things in common. What they expect their people to:

  •   Stop Doing
  •   Start Doing
  •   Continue Doing

Yet, this survey’s findings show that contributors rarely mention all three in the same contribution. Why is this important? We examine the stress created and potential change resistance caused as a result.

It works like this, assuming we are always managing change with limited resources like people, money, technology and time, leaders have to manage the tension between these three elements of stop, start and continue. Then, after deciding the commercial need for change, leaders need to identify which groups and individuals are more likely to experience unhealthy stress and resistance.

Communicating the Change Requiring Environment

The seminar distills our findings to contributor questions for developing effective change communication. These are then used to help participants assess their change condition and start or improve their current planning framework.

Session overview

This seminar helps participants look at their focus on the Why of Change & What is Expected and What the Change Is Not About and how it can be improved by introducing the Change Expectations Framework.

Here’s why it is important today. Most contributors’ organizations (89%) change every 12 months or less, driven by 3 or 4 reasons for each change. Interestingly you would think that such changes should have three things in common. What they expect their people to:

  •   Stop Doing
  •   Start Doing
  •   Continue Doing

Yet, this survey’s findings show that contributors rarely mention all three in the same contribution. Why is this important? We examine the stress created and potential change resistance caused as a result.

It works like this, assuming we are always managing change with limited resources like people, money, technology and time, leaders have to manage the tension between these three elements of stop, start and continue. Then, after deciding the commercial need for change, leaders need to identify which groups and individuals are more likely to experience unhealthy stress and resistance.

Communicating the Change Requiring Environment

The seminar distills our findings to contributor questions for developing effective change communication. These are then used to help participants assess their change condition and start or improve their current planning framework.

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